Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving...

Traditionally holidays in my family are all about the food.  But, this one is different for me.  This one actually means something to me.  Each year, I take a look at my life and think about all the ways I am blessed.  I think about the people that have come and gone from my life… the ones I am thankful for, and the ones I regret.  This year is no different from any other in that respect. But, in a lot of very significant ways this year is completely different from anything I have ever known.

Last Thanksgiving, I was still hiding the fact that my marriage was irreparable damaged… that it was over.  Tonight, on this Thanksgiving eve, I am still technically married, but in all practical, intellectual, and emotional ways I am single and free.  This has probably been the single most difficult year of my life and I have only survived it with the help of my friends… I get by with a little help from my friends.

I am the luckiest mom alive… I am so very thankful for the love of my amazing daughters.

I am thankful for my Lauren and her family.  I would never have made it through these last 365 without her by my side… Handing me the Kleenex and the booze.  Propping me up when I didn’t have the strength… reminding me that Mohamed must come to the Mountain.  Thank you, Lauren.

I am also thankful for my family of no relation, Erin.  We have been together but apart for what seems like ever.  No matter the time and distance, you feel like home to me.

I am thankful for the never-ending support of my family.  Mom, Dad, Jeff, and Julie, you have stepped in to help fill the void.  You are there with emotional support, gossip, laughter, and always a helping hand.  I couldn’t be the mom I am to the girls without all of your help.  Thank you.

I am thankful for the support and love of my extended family… My aunts, Judy and Janice, and especially my cousin, Kaylea.  We are so very different, and so very much the same… you’re good Spock to my Evil Spock. ;)

I am thankful to the friends that have stuck by me and jumped in to help me when I needed them most.  Jim and Heidi, it would have been easy and understandable for you two to have walked away after what happened.  Thank you for sticking by me.  Thank you for the friendship, love, and support.

I am thankful for the old friends that have become new friends.

I am thankful for the most wonderful hair guru ever… Lesli, you make me beautiful... thank you for the rockstar mom hair.  I feel pretty.

I am thankful for Girlfriends… Shelly, Julie, Michelle, Mel, Hope, Ang, Les, DM… and the list goes on and on… thank you so much for your friendship.

I am thankful for my Guyfriends… Huck and Strimple, I love you both.

I am thankful for the many kids in my life… close friends and not so close friends of my children.

I am thankful for my Karate family and the confidence they have in me… even when I don’t have any in myself.  I am especially grateful and thankful for the Hurt family.  For Mark and Mandana… for loving my children like their own. I am thankful.

I am thankful that I have a job that I love and a boss that appreciates my sick mind and warped sense of humor.

I am thankful for a group of people that in ways both small and large have helped bring me back to life…  The Emotional Retard, The Old Guy, The Redneck, The Pie Man, The Mexican Deserter.  You guys make me smile… for reasons as varied as yourselves.

There are so many people that have been there right when I needed a friend the most… a shoulder, a sympathetic ear, a set of arms to hold me when the only thing that could pull me through was a hug.  So many of you that I owe a great deal to… so many of you that probably don’t even realize what you did for me.  If you can see this note please know that I am thankful for your presence in my life.

I hope each and every one of you are lucky enough to have a moment in your life like the ones you’ve given me.

With all the love I have in me... I thank you... I thank God for you.

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