I was sitting in the bedroom doing something..? when I heard a crash from the kitchen. I didn't do anything because I didn't hear a shatter... the furry minions from hell (Percival and Lucretio) knock crap over all the time. They race from one end of the tube to the other at record speed. Two cats sound like a herd of elephants. They do aerials that are the envy of circus performers everywhere... and they knock shit over.
I finally got up from whatever to investigate when I heard Em exclaim "YOU BASTARDS!" from the kitchen... seems they knocked over my iced tea from dinner that was still on the table.
I can't punish her... and I can't really be mad either. I have the mouth of a sailor on leave and she used the phrase correctly. Kinda like the time Clyde said the phrase (in it's singular form) to her father... she was still in diapers though.
Sounds like my house!